Cecilia Gatto Trocchi

Ad Memoriam

She was Teacher of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Rome Three and contract professor at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. With her studies and her experience in anthropological lived on the ground, has left a great cultural heritage witnessed by numerous essays and articles.


I labirinti della ragione (Labyrinths of Reason)  in  Le Carte di Corte. I Tarocchi. Gioco e Magia alla Corte degli Estensi  (The Cards Court. The Tarot. Game and Magic at the Este Court)  edited  by  G.Berti and A. Vitali. Catalogue of the international exhibition on tarot held in Ferrara at the Este Castle (1987)
Viaggio nella magia (Travel in Magic), Laterza, Bari (1993)
Nomadi spirituali (Spiritual Nomads)  Mondadori, Milan (1998)
Le Muse in azione. Antropologia dell’arte (Muse in action. Anthropology  of Art), Franco Angeli, Milan (2001)
Storia esoterica d'Italia (Esoteric History of Italy), Piemme, Casale Monferrato (2001)
Civiltà e Culture (Culture and Civilization),  Franco Angeli, Milan  (2003)